Earthing Client Feedback
Earthing Client Feedback
Some recent feedback some clients have sent me after sleeping earthed
Dear Roy
Thank you for your earthing pads. I know its early days, but I wanted to tell you how much my husband with Alzheimers has improvement since being 'earthed' 24/7 in his electric bed and also in his riser decliner chair. He is more alert, more interactive with his carers, talking more, understanding more and back to want to read a book. I'll keep you informed.
With thanks
Joan Macintosh
Dear Roy
I have been using the earthing pad this afternoon and it is definitely working on my electromagnetic field/energy, my body is fizzing away, it feels like it is being brought back to its natural state of being.
I can't remember feeling like this since I was a child, I had forgotten what it was like (I am 65 now, and I do work with energy, (ironically mainly with healing the earth's grid and bringing light in) but this earthing pad is working in another way that i didn't realise i needed until i tried it, if that makes sense.
Bless you.
Thanks so much again for coming to our house (Glenthorpe Road,
Morden, London) and helping us without setup. The earthing sheets have really helped with sleep and otherwise, don't know what we would have done without them. Catherine's chilblains have completely disappeared!
Dear Roy
Gill here from Church Row in Lewes with an update some months after your visit. Since having the sheet on the bed I have noticed some real improvements in the joint inflammation which was starting on my hands. The bumps have reduced and are no longer red sore - hurrah! Sleep patterns are getting better but it has taken some time as you advised it would. I am looking at Circadian rhythms as a contributory factor as well and of course it will take some months for these to begin to fall into place so a work in progress! Sleep overall is more restful for sure so many thanks.
Hi Roy
We've been using our grounding sheet and have had great results as you
would expect! My circulation has improved immensely, I feel warmer all
the time and my feet are never cold in bed any more. Also I don't get
aches and pains as much when I sit in front of my computer at work for
long hours, which I assume is a sensitivity to EMF's. Also a couple of
elderly people we know have had fantastic results with earthing,
reducing their pain levels from rheumatoid arthritis and other arthritis
type knee pain. Their quality of life has been improved beyond measure,
one was starting to give up but now he's walking on the moors again! He
was grounding himself in the garden daily and using one of those green
rubber antistatic mats.
I've seen a grounding sheet from one of the other companies and
preferred the simple design and sturdiness of your sheet and extras though.
Warm Regards
Thank you Roy for the swift delivery of our sons earthing sheet. Matt & I purchased ours from you years ago & have always had a wonderful sleep..along with our Abaca mattress. I overlooked getting my son one as he has always been very healthy . But I was feeling concerned about the time he spent on his electrical devices which made me order. Instead of him not really wanting to get out his cosy bed in the morning I have noticed in just a few days how he is springing up !! His sleep is obviously more solid . A little while ago he complained that he was getting a headache in the night & I hadn't realised that for a Halloween party we had left a plugged in transformer for a light the other side of his wall. This plug was hot when I pulled it out . His headaches disappeared after that . I know all about these things from meeting you & your website but its funny how we can all lapse on occasions. Luka is learning all this as well so I hope when he gets his own home he will continue living healthy! We are wifi free in our home & I have to try not to moan about all the wires we have everywhere.
Thanks Again, Debra
Hello Roy
just to let you know that I have grown very fond of my earth sheet ~
The weekend it arrived was cool ~ I put it on the bed Saturday pm and felt a tingling in my lower legs and feet ~ I slept like a baby Saturday night and on Sunday felt fine ~ by 12noon I felt rather tired so went back to bed and slept another 4hours!! Since then I have been sleeping very well ~ I used to read in bed before I went to sleep but now I want to sleep straight away ~ I used to wake up 5ish but Im now going on until 6.30am ~ its great!!
Also I do feel different ~ more grounded more conscious so its all good ~ I think this is because I’m not so hyperactive + the weather has been so disappointing ~ I do love the warmth to enable me to swim in the ocean ~
Peace be with you and warm wishes from Sahajo
Dear Roy
Since I purchased the King size grounding sheet last autumn it has been used continually on our bed. I immediately noticed that my husband's sleep habits changed (even though he wasn't aware the earthing sheet was there for several weeks)! He now sleeps more soundly and for longer than he did, and does not rush to get up in the morning. He is a computer technician and is surrounded by EMF fields from computers etc all day long, so I know the sheet is helping to preserve his health with quality recovery time. As for myself, I find the sheet very relaxing and useful to lie on when I need de-stressing, and I do sleep more soundly these days. My son has been borrowing the Meditation mat to sleep on at night; when he was using it for computer work and forgot to replace it on his bed for a few nights, he slept very badly, became depressed, anxious and fatigued; at the same time, my mother had removed her own earthing sheet for washing and experienced exactly same symptoms because she neglected to place the sheet back on the mattress, directly it was clean again! This just goes to show that the earthing sheets are doing sterling work protecting our energy fields on a regular basis. My mother has arthritis and feels much more comfortable at night now, whereas before, the pain in her shoulder would keep her awake often. Many thanks for your help, Love, Angela --------------------------------------------------
Dear Roy
I tried the grounding pad last night and am sure that my shoulder with the repetitive strain injury is much better. It's been a sore joint for a few years now, probably from over-enthusiastic conducting when I get carried away. The quality of sleep was completely different and I was more rested in the morning. I've told one or two about it and suspect that there might be a market out there. Terry, my colleague is full of physical problems, not least a heart valve problem. I'd like to give him an earthing pad. Could you bring one on Monday please? Also I mentioned it to one class today and one man spoke up wanting to know more about it. I'll bring him your brochure. Thanks again for such a great present. Jerry
Dear Roy
I recently bought a double sheet from yourself and just wanted to say how brilliant it is! The quality of my sleep has improved beyond measure, and the 2 or more hours of sneezing each morning have vanished. I've been recommending the product to everyone. IMany thanks for your help. All the best, Annabel.
We are all all installed and my eldest son, who shares my sensitivity to these things, reports feeling very relaxed in his bed now and I really felt a sense of draining and relaxation when I first lay on it. Many thanks - we are most grateful. I will let you know if we have any other health changes. Take care
Dear Roy
Thank you for coming to Pennyfield on Monday. I love the earthing sheet - a different energy that feels very good and I am aware that I am sleeping differently - can't put it into words - I've never slept badly but there is a different quality now.
Best Regards
Hi Roy
Many thanks for remembering to send us this interesting article after such a long day. We did find your visit fascinating. We have already felt the benefits of sleeping earthed - I've lost the foggy "thick-headed" feeling which I've had for years and feel I'm mentally much sharper; Tom says he finds it much easier to spring out of bed in the morning, despite the mattress now being on the floor! (We are awaiting delivery of our new wooden bed frame and latex mattress.)We moved Ted's bed in accordance with your recommendations and we have immediately noticed that he no longer wakes crying in the night. Isn't that interesting? As a result, he's better rested in the morning.
Many thanks again.
Alex & Tom
Dear Roy
Many thanks for the grounding pad. I just thought you might be interested to know that not only am I still feeling very cheerful, but that when I went for a scan a month ago the doctor was very negative and told me that because they could only see three ovary follicles I was likely to be running out of time to have children. However, last week - after using the bed earthing mat for 2 or 3 weeks - I went for another scan and they were very surprised to find 13 follicles, which they said meant that we're not running out of time at all. I suppose it's possible that something else caused this rather dramatic change, but I can't help thinking it might be the bed earthing mat.
Dear Roy,
We are having very deep sleeps now. Also when our children sleep as well.
Hello Roy .. have been enjoying your product for the last 5 wks now and have to say i've become so attached to it i'm wanting to pack it to take with me on holiday ! My night sweats have just stopped its so strange but i just love to even have a nap on it now for half hour in the middle of the day ( its like re-charging my batteries ! ) and i sleep on it every night .. Bless You.
Hi Roy,
Hope you are well. I just wanted to thank you for my grounding sheet and tell you how I can feel the difference now when I sleep on it. As soon as I lie down I feel a tingling sensation as if a current of some sorts is going through me which calms me down. I still feel it every night and my sleep is tighter and I feel I have more energy in the morning. Amazing stuff this Earth business
Thanks a lot and many regards,
Dear Roy,
Many thanks for sending us the grounding mattress pads so quickly ... Flora has already been benefitting from the one you left with us following your visit. She is definitely sleeping more soundly than ever before and feeling refreshed in the mornings .... not bad for a teenager!
All the best
Hello Roy
I’m just coming back to your email below now that I have been using the grounding blanket for 6 weeks. In the end I stuck with it and left it above the mattress rather than move it underneath. My heart rate settled down after a few days and I have noticed that I sleep much better compared with no blanket and so it was well worth it!
Many thanks, and Happy New Year!
Best wishes,
you came to survey our house last year after a recommendation from Nim Barnes. We had suffered 6 miscarriages in a row including one even after we had followed the Foresight vitamin and mineral program. You found an underwater stream running under our house so we moved our bed across the room. We also installed an earthing mat on the end of our bed.
We now have a 3 week old baby girl. Of course we can not be 100% sure that our healthy girl is down to you and the changes you recommend as we have made other changes too, but even so we would like to say a big THANKYOU and have recommended you to many of our friends already.
Sharon & Darren
Dear Roy
Firstly to say that my earth sheet continues to amaze me and the results of sleeping on it become stronger and stronger which is marvelous.
We have now sold our house - yippee - and have found a lovely house in the village of Sunninghill. I have a really good feeling about it and hope to be in a position soon to ask you to come and check it out. My daughters health has improved with the earth sheet too and she continues to sleep on my sons floor for the time being.
All the best
Hi Roy
Many thanks for the grounding sheet. I have been sleeping wonderfully since using it, and hopefully my unborn baby is getting some benefit too.
Dear Roy
We both want to thank you so much for finally making sense of my unresolved problems with our ‘unhealthy’ house. Practically measuring the voltage etc was brilliant because it enabled us both to understood in a way we never have before. Thank you for all your patience in explaining so clearly to us, when we didn’t understand. We are going ahead with all your recommendations; already I am feeling the benefits of my bed-buddy.
Dear Roy,
How are you? I have been sleeping much better since sleeping grounded, and the pain in my joints have completely vanished! Thank you so much for that! We have been using your lectures and your advices to patient at University Polyclinic and I have two patients that became better already. I would like to thank you for them! Best wishes, Angela
Good Evening Roy I purchased a large earthing sheet a couple of months ago. My husband was just recovering from an operation and I thought that this would assist in his recovery. This has certainly been the case and we are delighted with this result - thank you for your help.
Kind Regards
Hi Roy,
I just wanted to thank you for sending the additional length of wire and for introducing us to grounding. We seem to be sleeping a lot more deeply these days and I don't feel so tired during the day after a late night. Kind regards Keith
Hi Roy
Many thanks for the workshop. I am very inspired.
I really noticed a difference last night when I slept on the earthing sheet, it was like being a child again with lots energy in the morning.
Hi Roy,
Just a quick note to thank you for your advice during our house survey and for getting our king-size grounding sheet to us so quickly! We now have it up and running (and under the top sheet only!).
I do seem to be sleeping better, however its early days yet.
Colin is busy installing our new Devolo dLAN plugs as well, so that we can turn our BT wireless broadband off. It does make the internet much faster and less likely to drop out and we are happy about this.
We will let you know how we go, I may hire one of those Acousticom things and run around the house with it at some stage to clear out any remaining electro-smog.
Kind regards, Brenda & Colin
Thanks for that info Roy,
I've ordered the book.
I would like to order another double sheet for a gentleman I work for who has many health issues, cancer, circulatory disorders and is registered blind. He never ever has direct contact with the earth so we hope it might help him.
Monday, 4 October 2010 10:36
Thanks for getting back to me. I'll have to wait a little while before I can get the body voltage measuring kit. Just for your interest, grounding improved the gentleman’s sight whilst on the mat within 5 mins, he is thrilled just for the slight improvement. I will be making him a case study.
Kind regards
Dear Roy,
Thanks For the grounding sheet. Already after 1 night I feel better overall.
Regarding the Siemens phones: which model would you buy if you purchased one now?
Kind Regards,
Thank you Roy,
The sheets arrived in good order yesterday and are already giving
good results.
Having been awed by the sheet - I shall write a fuller account soon,
but it's like doing top quality qi gong in one's sleep. Many thanks.
Dear Roy,
Yesterday I heard some very encouraging news from my elder daughter in
Holland. Her daughter, Katie who is 14 has suffered from severe anaemia
for over 6 months and recently was diagnosed with Crohn's disease.
Through changing her diet inflammatory levels in her blood were reduced
a lot but she recently she a recurrence of a very sore outburst on her
shin. A previous one had taken weeks to heal and she felt very depressed
about it. I'd sent Lindsey one of our earthing sheets and after sleeping
on it for one night, Katie noticed the lump had stayed the same size.
After sleeping earthed for only 5 days, Katie says it is healing up and
she is having really deep refreshing sleeps foe the first time for years
almost! I am so thrilled for them all. Now Daniel, her brother wants a
bed sheet too as he finds sleeping hard!
I will send Lindsey one too!
For me earthing to the ground has made a huge difference.
Dear Roy
Thank you so much for the very fast supply and delivery of the grounding sheet. I am very impressed with how well it works. I felt a strong tingling sensation on first night of use and woke with high energy levels. I will let you know of further benefits with continued use. Thank you once again.
Kind Regards
Hi Roy
Hope you’re well. I’ve been using the grounding sheet now for about six weeks and wanted to give you some feedback (I waited six weeks because you said to give it that long but I have seen some quite surprising results and very quickly). 1. After the first night I actually woke up feeling awake rather than tired which had been a problem for me for some time. Just this makes a huge difference to everything because I feel that I’m now walking around with my eyes fully opened. 2. I have a spot in my left shoulder muscle which is where my tension seems to go. Even when I’m in bed and totally relaxed I can feel the know in my left shoulder. After a couple of days that went too. It still comes back but, once I’m in bed, it seems to disappear pretty quickly. 3. (This is the bit I’m excited about). I have suffered from Raynauds in my hands and feet since I was a teenager. It’s a debilitating condition where the blood supply to the extremities switches off for some reason giving hands/fingers/feet/toes a white look with no feeling and difficult movement. Then, at some point the blood supply comes on again and blood rushes into the area making it look black. This is when it gets painful too. For many years I would probably have one or two attacks a day in the summer and numerous ones in the winter with some lasting up to an hour. I can’t tell you how frustrating it is. It’s hard to use a computer, difficult to prepare food in case you cut yourself and just hard to do anything with your hands at all. Now, I’m writing this to you in November and I probably average one or two attacks a week and they last just minutes. I haven’t done anything different so I assume it’s the grounding that’s made a difference. I’ve also notice that I don’t seem to feel the cold as much but will continue to watch that one. So, I’m a very happy person with almost fully functioning circulation. A benefit which was completely unexpected. I hope you can use my feedback if you have anyone else with similar problems. Many thanks Jackie
Dear Roy,
We actually spoke a few weeks ago and I have been recommending earthing blankets to my clients after our conversation and reading Earthing book. I saw Joanna Gates (who is one of my clients) today and she has commented on the exceptional difference both her and her husband have experienced since sleeping on the blanket and hence, I thought it was about time I ordered my own!! Many thanks, GAIL LUMMIS DNN Advanced Health Screening & Nutritional Screening
Hi Roy
Thanks for your reply. I find the grounding sheet very comforting, and it seems to be helping the thrush I've suffered with for a year, so hopefully that will continue to improve.
Many Thanks
Dear Roy
Many thanks for the grounding sheet.
With it I have noticed a definite improvement in my sleep pattern and
feel more grounded.
Best wishes
Patrick Allen
Thank you Roy,
Just to say that I have been standing on the earth with bare feet for an hour a day, half hour in the morning and the same at night, this I have done for two days, Chronic pain in my left shoulder joint that I have suffered for the last three years has completely gone, it is amazing. I was quite skeptical at first. I was diagnosed two years ago with non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, I usually have a huge energy drop around mid afternoon, on a daily basis, The tiredness is what comes with the illness, Today the energy drop never happened, again I'm amazed.
Kind regards, John.
Dear Roy,
Apologies for not writing sooner to advise you of safe delivery of “Grounding Sheet”, but I wanted to wait a few weeks to let you know what we thought of the sheet.
For many years I have suffered with headaches and migraines. More recently it has been morning headaches, and it seemed every day I was taking tablets to stop them.
I couldn’t wait to try the sheet, and having always been an impatient person, was really disappointed when the following two mornings I woke with a headache! The very next day I had No headache, and this has continued for several weeks now. It has to be the sheet. I am absolutely delighted. I find I am sleeping much longer, and waking refreshed.
My daughter Susan already had one of your sheets, and her and her husband have never felt better.
I have told so many people, and thank you so much for improving the quality of my life.
Hi Roy,
As a fibromyalgia sufferer for many years I have always struggled with circulation problems. I have always slept in socks and if i dare to remove them am renowned for having blocks of ice for feet....
It's now a week since your visit and I have slept on top of the sheet every night.
The first three days were awful - just like you had indicated I might I felt totally wiped out, like my condition was flaring. The detox type symptoms felt emotional as well as physical in that everything was an effort and by the third day I was tearful (we have just had a bereavement to be fair).
Yesterday was the first day I felt brighter.
I experienced tingling sensations in my feet and lower legs but not painful like pins and needles. By night 3 I was removing the covers because my feet were too hot! And it was 0 degrees! Unheard of for me and has to be the effect of the sheet.
For anyone with a chronic condition like myself, albeit I am largely recovered, I would suggest making time for a few rough days but the effects are worth it. I have never felt warm in bed here in the UK before save for in an electric blanket. And how good to get rid of that!
I am excited about what other positive effects might come through sleeping earthed and have been telling all my friends about it.
I am happy for any of this to be used if helpful to you Roy.
Kindest Regards
Hi Roy
I do hope this finds you well. I just wanted to say how different I feel now that we have changed the phones, wifi and sleeping and sitting on the conductive sheeting. I sleep better, more alert, wake up more alive.... I have also read the book 'Earthing' cover to cover and connect with it so much that I have bought my dad a copy and sent it to him in SA Warmest regards Kerry-Lyn
Dear Roy
I've just sent you payment for another order - this time a double/king size sheet. The single I recently ordered was for my elderly mother who has crippling rheumatoid arthritis. In just one week of use her knees, ankles and feet have improved considerably and she is in much less pain.
Kind regards Alastair
Hello Roy
I am Alastair’s mother and I got a sheet on Tuesday which Alastair sent for. I used it the first night and couldn't believe the results. I have rheumatoid arthritis and have had a lot of pain in my right knee and hip which has been so very bad. After only the one night my knee no longer hurt the following morning and I am amazed ! I really look forward to bedtime and can't wait to get my feet on the sheet for my 'top-up' ! I have recommended it to my daughter so she may be getting in touch with you. The sheet I have ordered is for my husband. It is his birthday on Tues. and I could think of no better gift. Thank you for such a wonderful product.
Dear Roy,
I've been using the grounding sheet since Monday and am experiencing lots of sleeping problems. I am not using my electric blanket at all just a hot water bottle but I am finding it impossible to get to sleep and have pains in my knees (a weak area for me but not a problem since I started excercising every day a couple of years ago). I'm hardly getting to sleep at all which is making me exhausted at work. I was so desperate last night I took some valerian and unplugged the sheet then finally got to sleep but woke up early feeling tired and groggy. Is there a right or wrong side to the sheet or am I doing something else wrong? I'd appreciate your help considering you sent me so may positive comments from other customers. Valerie
Dear Valerie,
Sorry to hear you are having some initial sleeping problems with your grounding sheet. Sometimes it can take a little longer for the body to adjust especially if you have been using an electric blanket as the body has got use to sleeping in a very high voltage so there is likely to be some adjustment time. I sent you a frequently asked questions paper with your order from the Earthing Institute which covers this problem. I have copied it and below is there advice:
Q: I just started sleeping grounded and feel a bit strange. What could that be from? A: Initially, some people may feel some temporary discomfort or even flu-like signs, pain or achiness. In practically all cases, this experience is fleeting. This effect stems from a normalization of the body’s “electrical system.” As that process gets underway, the body’s ability to release accumulated toxicity may improve and you could feel that as transient discomfort. Typically, after some initial adjustment, those individuals start feeling better and more energized. The feeling might last a few days at the most but it will go away. If you are uncomfortable, stop using the device for several days and then begin again. In the majority of cases, no discomfort is felt at the beginning. Kind regards Roy Dear Roy, Thanks for this information. As it happens things have definitely improved and I am sleeping better. Let's hope it continues to improve. Best wishes. Valerie
Hello Roy
just to let you know that I have grown very fond of my earth sheet ~
The weekend it arrived was cool ~ I put it on the bed Saturday pm and felt a tingling in my lower legs and feet ~ I slept like a baby Saturday night and on Sunday felt fine ~ by 12noon I felt rather tired so went back to bed and slept another 4hours!! Since then I have been sleeping very well ~ I used to read in bed before I went to sleep but now I want to sleep straight away ~ I used to wake up 5ish but Im now going on until 6.30am ~ its great!!
Also I do feel different ~ more grounded more conscious so its all good ~ apart from the fact I've put on some weight ~ I think this is because Im not so hyperactive + the weather has been so disappointing ~ I do love the warmth to enable me to swim in the ocean ~
Peace be with you and warm wishes from Sahajo Caz Boatfield
Hello Roy,
The two single blankets I bought last month are fine and I recently recommended a seat pad to my sister Christine who has been working in a very crowded office for about 10 years in the midst of several computers, including her own, in a wireless network. She has become steadily unwell over that time. She tells me that when she started using her seat pad she experienced three days of feeling "tingles" but then suddenly was completely free of exhaustion, depression and brain fog. She takes it home from her office and sleeps on it and reports sleeping properly "at last" after years of feeling unwell at night. I am so relieved and hope she will write to you herself.
Once again, many thanks,
Kindest regards,
Anne Hardcastle